Witnessing your elderly loved ones experience anxiety, agitation, or anger while navigating memory deterioration or dementia can be heartbreaking. Thankfully, you can tap on non-medication-based or wellness  approaches, such as sensory activities, to effectively alleviate these symptoms, whilst providing comfort, engagement, and even cognitive stimulation. Here, we’ll explore the benefits of sensory activities for those living with memory impairment or dementia, and share creative ways to integrate these activities into their daily routines.

Textile experiences and texture play

Our sense of touch holds great power to evoke cherished memories and emotions, making tactile experiences an essential component of sensory activities for those coping with memory impairment or dementia. Bring your elderly on a journey of discovery by creating a “sensory box” filled with varying textures. A curated collection of soft plastic balls that can be squeezed, old zippers, or contrasting fabric samples like fur, silk and leather offers a delightful ‘lucky dip’ of items. They can stroke, feel, and fiddle with them, providing an avenue for exploration and engagement.

Additionally, participating in activities like moulding clay, playing with kinetic sand, or gardening not only activates their sense of touch, but also encourages creativity, improves fine motor skills, and gives them a sense of accomplishment.

Soothing sounds and music

Music holds immense therapeutic potential for individuals with memory loss and or dementia, possessing the remarkable ability to elicit emotions, trigger memories, and create connections, often reaching parts of the brain that remain untouched by the condition. Curating a playlist with familiar tunes from their past or introducing calming sounds through instruments like chimes or bells can foster a serene and calming environment. 

Music therapy tailored for individuals with dementia can also be incredibly beneficial. These sessions, conducted by trained dementia therapy professionals, incorporate music to promote emotional expression, social engagement, and brain stimulation. This results in invaluable opportunities for joy and engagement, fostering a deeper connection with memories and emotions while enhancing their quality of life.

Sight and vision boosting activities

Visual stimulation can have a profound impact on individuals with dementia, helping to enhance their cognitive functions and overall well-being. Engaging seniors in activities tailored to their visual capabilities and interests is key. Tasks such as sorting coins into small glasses or ceramic bowls are enjoyable and calming, while puzzle-solving, painting, and colouring aid in improving their visual senses and activating their thinking.

Memory books filled with familiar photographs or rooms equipped with visually engaging elements like bubble lamps or light projectors also create soothing and visually captivating spaces for seniors with dementia. 

Learn more: Activities for Your Loved Ones in Maintaining Their Cognitive Ability | iKare

Sensory activities not only help to stimulate the senses for those with dementia, but also contribute to a sense of belonging, purpose, and happiness, enriching their daily experiences in immeasurable ways. Bear in mind to observe their responses, tailor activities to their abilities, and nurture a supportive environment to maximise the effectiveness of these tasks. 

Hoping to elevate your loved one’s daily experiences with meaningful moments? Look no further than iKare, a leading provider of home care services in Singapore; From dementia home care to home care services, our team is equipped with the knowledge to provide tailored care to your loved ones. Contact us today to discover how our specialised offerings can make a remarkable difference in improving your beloved elderly’s well-being.